Our Approach

Biblical Counsel

We offer direction that is rooted in biblical teaching doctrine. Our goal is to challenge, encourage, direct and coach spiritual leaders through biblical teaching so they are equipped with the truth necessary for healing that leads to faithful service.

Pastor to Pastors offers online and in person pastoral support to pastors experiencing trauma or who are in crisis. We offer both individual and group sessions, or a combination of both to those we serve. Because each client's needs are unique we will develop a plan that is appropriate for you.

Virtual Sessions

By offering a virtual model Pastor to Pastors is able to provide an confidential, safe, and accessible space to those we serve. As a result, when challenged to wrestle with deep hurt and struggle our clients can be upfront and honest about their situation.

Addressing Root Causes

Something happened to cause this trauma, pain, sin and getting to the root of that hurt or experience so that we can identify it, address it and through the power and healing of the HS overcome it.

Safe Spaces

We protect our clients confidentiality and thus facilitate an environment where they feel safe sharing deep hurt and sinful patterns that they are unable to share with their congregations, denominational leaders or family.

Honest, Real Feedback

Pastors should be prepared to be lovingly and honestly challenged. Honest feedback is offered with the goal of helping ministry leaders to see their current situation and need for healing.

Pathways to Healing

Pastors are offered spiritual direction that will guide them along pathways healing and growth. The Bible, prayer and spiritual encouragement are used to guide the ministry leader to rekindle their love for Christ and His church.